Monday, March 7, 2016

Making A Decision To Strive For Our Best Everything.

I recently joined one of my best friends in a journey for success. I am now an Independent Distributor for It Works Global. So far, I am so happy to say that I am actually excited. I have an amazing team of women and men that is so supportive and helpful. We have been given training tips from a Presidential Diamond in the company and other up-lines. I have so many amazing opportunities to advance in this company and to help others. One thing that stood out to me in our family zoom chat last night was, what is my WHY?  After being told to to think of this, because this is the driving force behind my success... I did and this is my WHY!
Many of you have been following my journey on this blog since the beginning so you know my story. The reason I want to do this and be successful is because of my story. Struggling with infertility and being told that my only option of having children and being pregnant, was to use donor eggs and the cost is insane! Insane I tell you, $18k to be exact. My why is to be able to do that without having to take out a loan. Without going into crazy debt. I want to experience that amazing miracle of pregnancy and feel the blessing of my baby kicking my tummy, growing, and then experiencing birth. To many women out there, this is something you may not think is a big deal. But to my husband and I, it is! We have started taking adoption classes as well because we want to adopt kids who want a forever home, a family who will show them all the love and support they deserve. But to be completely honest, I also want to be pregnant. Although the child will not be genetically mine, it will be my baby, one that grew inside my dreams and heart way before it grew in my belly. This WHY, this is why I want to be successful and strive to help others in the process. I want to be able to afford that cost of achieving pregnancy. It would mean the absolute world to me. 
So what is your why?

Until next time,

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