Monday, December 21, 2015

When Bad News Turns Into A Great Thing.

      My hiatis from blogging has officially ended. Something great has landed in our laps. We have made the decision to adopt. As you know fertility has been a struggle, but recently we were told how serious it is. I do not have eggs and I am unable to ovulate. This was a hard reality to hear and of course, despite the fact that I have been told bad news relating to this topic over and over.. I cried so hard. I knew going into that appointment that I wasn't going to hear the miracle words "you can have babies just fine" but I definitely didn't expect it to be that bad.

      On to the happy part... Adoption! A family friend has told me about a pair of siblings. Both are young and have had a pretty rough childhood from what I gather. It broke me heart to hear about their situation and that they are in fostercare. With a pending split of the two in th future, my husband and I are doing whatever we can to stop it and take them both in. I have been racking my brain and searching for informatin everywhere. I cannot express how hopeful I am to make this dream a reality. We want so badly to keep them together and provide them with a loving home.

      So I am here to tell you, no matter what I have to do.. We will get this done. Also, I am going to be on here keeping you all updated! Feel free to visit our GoFundMe page and donate if you can. If you can't please just keep us and this dream in your good wishes and prayers.

Until next time,

PS. Thank you for all of your support.