Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Looking Back...

      I went back through and read old posts. That was hard to do and found myself tearing up. I am sure you remember my blog about the medical care of Fort Carson, I decided to change my medical facility to one on Peterson AFB. This medical clinic is far better in their ability to offer appointments in about 1 to 2 weeks, and they are on top of their game. They 100% want to make sure that you receive proper medical care and are healthy. One thing I haven't blogged about was my choice to go off of my hormones. We can chalk it up to a medical scare on my end. Basically, I heard that there was an 85% greater chance of me getting breast cancer due to taking hormones. That scared me, I became obsessed with getting off hormones and taking the more natural route with essential oils, herbal supplements, etc. It has been about 4 months since I stopped taking my hormones, when I told this to my new PCM, she was worried. Understandably, she was concerned that I would be putting my health at risk. My symptoms have been out of control and I am suffering as a result. I will be getting hormones later this week, so that is nice. Hot flashes, night sweats, inability to concentrate, etc... You name it, I got it. I have not gotten any good sleep in a while. Needless to say I am excited to get back on them. 
      Other things that have happened recently was the choice to wait until Nov 2017 to continue to try to build a family. We recently found out that we are PCSing to Fort Drum, NY. Very excited about this because we will be so close to Syracuse. There is a fertility clinic there that does lower priced treatments for military families. Sean and I have discussed it in length and believe that we want to try and have a baby with embryos. This would mean that I could carry and be pregnant! AHHH! Oh my goodness you guys, I hope this could work out. Although I have been trying very hard to remain positive and kick out the depressive feelings regarding being a mom, it is very hard. Please continue to pray for us and that we can make this dream a reality.

Until next time,